Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Climbing Mt. Healy

Today I set out to climb Mt. Healy, the tallest mountain in the town I live in. It summits at 5660 ft! The hike up is steep and strenuous. I had to stop several times to rest my calves and hamstrings. I walked slowly, but we were making good pace having gone up half the mountain in two hours. Unfortunately, the winds started to whirl around the mountain at speeds that pushed us sideways, so we turned around and head back to the ground. It was still an incredible hike with a wondrous view. Check out pictures of it below!
the starting point: Bison Gulch
Spencer and I stretching before the hike
where we started
following the ridge line

view from the first peak
feeling on top of the world

taking photos

far away from the roads now

standing in the wind

what a view

happy to get half way up the mountain this time 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Arctic

This Monday, I officially entered the arctic circle. This elite section of the world includes only Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Russia, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. On another comped tour I was flown to Coldfoot and then driven further to Wiseman.
I sat in the cockpit on the way there, careful not to touch any of the knobs, pedals, or switches in front of me! Amazing views on the 1 1/2 hour flight there. After we landed, we were driven an additional 25 minutes on the Dalton Highway north. This road is known in Alaska for being the only one that runs fully through the north to the Arctic Sea.
In Wiseman, a town where only twelve people live year round, we received a tour of the grounds. The cabins are the same ones started during the time of the gold rush. 

We learned about the way of life there in order to survive in such a rugged area. They burn through tons of wood during the winter to keep the inside of their cabin a toasty 70 degrees while it drops to negative 60 outside. They shovel snow onto the outer walls of their house to insulate it more efficiently. Since there is no grocery store for 190 miles, they garden potatoes, turnips, carrots, and cabbage during the summer months and hunt caribou. 

Spencer was the pilot on the way back ;P
We have OFFICIALLY been to the Arctic!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Blueberry Pie

After picking wild blueberries for hours, we decided to bake a pie!
Spencer cooked the filling...

while I made an oatmeal crumble topping!

Then we put it in the oven to bake.

We shared with friends,
 it was delicious!
And it turned our tongues blue :P

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Camping in Denali National Park

On August 7th, Spencer and I celebrated our anniversary. It was two years since we met each other in Australia and one year since we have been dating. We decided to spend the weekend backpacking and camping in Denali National Park, and I'm so glad we did! It was wonderful to be secluded in nature and enjoy our time together.

We arrived at the visitor's center and starting by going to the Ranger's station. We picked out an available location to camp in and filled out paperwork for a permit. We watched a thirty minute video  regarding appropriate camping protocol and hypothetical wildlife encounters. Then we received a safety talk from the ranger. 

After that we took a six hour bus ride through the park. We saw a lot of wildlife along the way...

When we go to our Wonder Lake, we hiked the McKinley Bar Trail until the McKinley River and then found a good tent spot! It was next to the river and had Denali in the distance!

We had fun hiking and cooking camp style!
There were wild blueberries everywhere! We picked a bag to bring home and make blueberry pie with!

It was a fun and relaxing retreat! I felt as if I was wild!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Fly Denali

Today I was fortunate enough to fly up close to the peak of Denali and then land on a glacier! Fly Denali offers other company's employees the opportunity to be on stand by for this amazing experience. Today was my lucky day!

The planes are tiny, holding only the pilot and eight passengers. 
We flew above the clouds to see Denali!

We landed on a glacier and enjoyed the fantastic view.

What an amazing experience. I cannot find the words....
Saying good-bye to 'The Great One'